Top 5 Best Pregnancy Books in [year]

Pregnancy is a unique period in the life of a woman characterized by a mix of both excitement and bafflement. Given so much information, it becomes difficult to decide what to do and contrarily what not to do during pregnancy. Among the most effective ways of getting ready for this journey is by checking on maternity books.

Pregnancy books provide a great deal of data on anything from pre-natal care to the labor and delivery stages. They can be advices to pregnant women in order to experience the physical and psychological changes related to pregnancy and they can teach how to have a healthy pregnancy.

We spent countless hours researching and testing the pregnancy books that are currently on the market to find the best ones. In this article, we will select our best recommendations to help pregnant women to make solid choice and deal with stressless, healthy pregnancy.

Top 3 Best Pregnancy Books

  1. What to Expect When You’re Expecting
  2. We’re Pregnant! The First Time Dad’s Pregnancy Handbook
  3. Expecting Better

Along our pregnancy journey, there exist many things which are capable of causing fears and stress. Fortunately, you will discover that many wonderful books can help you to navigate the journey of pregnancy. Here, we’ve assembled a list of top pregnancy books that will give you both the necessary details about what your body goes through during pregnancy and how to prepare for delivery. If you are a newbie mother or an experienced one, these books can be a useful guide tool you can use on your own way to motherhood.

1. What to Expect When You’re Expecting

If you need a book that covers every aspect of pregnancy then you should read “What to Expect When You’re Expecting.’


  • The book covers every aspect of pregnancy, from conception to birth and beyond.
  • It’s written in a friendly, approachable tone that makes it easy to understand.
  • The book includes helpful illustrations and diagrams to explain complex concepts.


  • At 656 pages, the book can be overwhelming for some readers.
  • Some readers may find the book’s tone a bit too casual for their liking.
  • The book may not be as useful for women who are experiencing high-risk pregnancies or complications.

This book is a great reference for those who are looking for a well written guide to pregnancy. Authors provide each and every detail of pregnancy in great length, from conception to birth and beyond. The book is written nicely, this way it is easy to understand for first-time parents. The authors further include illustrations and diagrams to better demonstrate complex ideas which might be a useful tool for visual learners.

The greatest weakness of this book is probably its length. At 656 pages long, the book can be daunting for some readers. Moreover, some people may find the book’s tone a bit too informal. Although the friendly nature can be comforting to some, others might prefer a different approach. Eventually, the women who are facing highly risky pregnancies or problems may not find the book helpful enough. Anyway, this movie can be highly recommended to everyone who would like to enrich their knowledge in the sphere of pregnancy and childbirth.

2. We’re Pregnant! The First Time Dad’s Pregnancy Handbook

If you happen to be a dad who is having his first baby, you have to definitely consider purchasing We’re Pregnant! The First Dad’s Pregnancy Handbook. It is simply a tool that will bring you on the way through the fun and challenging path of becoming a parent.


  • The book is written in a friendly, conversational tone that makes it easy to read and understand.
  • It provides practical advice and tips for dads-to-be, including how to support your partner during pregnancy and how to prepare for fatherhood.
  • The weekly format is helpful for keeping track of your partner’s pregnancy and understanding what’s happening each week.


  • Some readers may find the book too basic or simplistic.
  • It doesn’t cover every aspect of pregnancy or fatherhood, so you may need to supplement your reading with additional resources.
  • The book is geared specifically towards first-time dads, so it may not be as helpful for those who have been through the process before.

We found We’re Pregnant! to be a helpful and informative platform during our pregnancy journey. The weekly format was very convenient as it allowed for easy tracking of the activities each week, and the practical tips and advice were really useful. Although the book doesn’t cover every aspect of pregnancy or fatherhood, It’s still a great stepping stone for first time dads who yearns to be supportive and a valuable member of their family throughout the phases of pregnancy

In relation to the book, we found that the author’s attention to the significance of your partner’s support during the period of pregnancy as one of the most valuable things. The book offers concrete strategies for how to achieve this, and gains you intimate understanding of the condition, both the emotional and physical aspects. We as well admired the author’s veracity of his observations as a first-time father, something that made the book more relatable, not pretending to be.

To sum up our evaluation, for sure, we will recommend We’re Pregnant! The First Time Dad’s Pregnancy Handbook for anyone expecting a baby for the first time, and wants to be as much involved as possible. Though it cannot address all the questions related to pregnancy and fatherhood, it gives practical hints and tips to help you face this wonderful and frightening period of your life.

3. Expecting Better: Why the Conventional Pregnancy Wisdom Is Wrong–and What You Really Need to Know (The ParentData Series)

The Expecting Better book by Emily Oster is the ideal option for pregnant parents searching for a well-researched, empirical book concerning the topic.


  • Oster takes a refreshing, evidence-based approach to pregnancy that empowers expectant parents to make informed decisions.
  • The book covers a wide range of topics, including nutrition, exercise, prenatal testing, labor and delivery, and more.
  • Oster’s writing style is engaging and easy to understand, making the book accessible to readers of all backgrounds.


  • Some readers may find Oster’s approach to pregnancy too focused on statistics and data, and may prefer a more traditional, anecdotal approach.
  • The book has been criticized by some for its discussion of alcohol consumption during pregnancy, which some readers may find controversial.
  • At 368 pages, the book can be a bit overwhelming for some readers, and may require a significant time commitment to fully digest.

If you are a parent-to-be and want to base your pregnancy on data, then Expecting Better is a must-read for you. Oster’s writing style is engaging and packed with information; at the same time, she has a way of making pregnancy empowering and reassuring.

In this book, Oster discusses a broad selection of topics related to pregnancy, including nutrition, exercise, prenatal testing, labour and delivery, and other issues. She talks about many things, based on the latest science, in language that parents can understand, and gives parents some practical advice on those topics based on that research.

The one thing that stands out the most for us in Expecting Better is how Oster is dealing with pregnancy. Instead of using conventional wisdom or anecdotal evidence to guide them, Oster takes a sound scientific approach that allows parents-to-be to take well-informed deskisions. She discusses the recent headway made in each realm in terms that are easily understandable, and stresses the need for responsible and critical thinking when considering all the facts.

Surely, any book cannot be perfect, and Expecting Better is not an exception. Some readers can consider Oster’s approach to pregnancy to be very statistical and data-driven. If they prefer more anecdotal storytelling style, they may think otherwise. On the other hand, the book faced some criticism due to the part related to consuming alcohol during pregnancy. This issue is very controversial and might not be acceptable for all the readers.

In the same way we would urge Expecting Better to any expectant parent, seeking a thorough evidence-based guide to pregnancy. Oster’s writing is sensitively blended with rigor and her presentation of the pregnancy is supportive and enlightening.

4. Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy, 2nd Edition

If you want to read a thorough explanation of a healthy pregnancy written by doctors, Mayo Clinic Guide for Pregnancy is a reliable option.


  • Detailed information on each stage of pregnancy
  • Written by medical professionals
  • Includes information on pregnancy complications and how to manage them


  • May be overwhelming for some readers due to the amount of information presented
  • Some readers may prefer a more casual writing style
  • Only available in paperback format

This book encompasses literally anything related to pregnancy – from prenatal care to delivery. If you are a first-time parent, this book is an ideal guide for you. The exactness and simplicity with which the data is demonstrated, helps to facilitate comprehension and even for those individuals without medical expertise.

What makes this book unique is that it offers all the necessary information for every stage of the pregnancy. In the article, the authors give you the information about what really will occur at all of your doctor visits and also what to expect about the changes that are happening in your body and the baby in every trimester.

Besides the general information about pregnancy, the book has a whole separate chapter, which addresses such complications and the ways to deal with them. This may bring relief to the fearful parents who could be freaking out about the issues that might happen in the course of pregnancy.

Meanwhile, there are those who probably look through the wealth of information as too much. It is also strongly in a clinical tone which may not be attractive to everyone. The book is also available in paperback version only and so people who are fond of e-books may regard it as disadvantageous.

All in all, Mayo Clinic Guide to Healthy Pregnancy is the best you’ll ever find for people who want to learn pregnancy from the medical professionals.

5. The Simplest Pregnancy Book in the World

If you want to simply peruse a book on pregnancy, taking the easy road, The Simplest Pregnancy Book in the World might just be the one for you.


  • The book is well-organized and easy to navigate, with clear headings and bullet points.
  • The illustrations are helpful and informative, making it easy to understand the changes happening in your body.
  • The book covers a wide range of topics, from nutrition to labor and delivery.


  • Some readers might find the book too simplistic, especially if they’re looking for more in-depth information.
  • The book doesn’t cover all the possible complications that can arise during pregnancy, so it might not be the best choice for high-risk pregnancies.
  • The book is relatively short, so it might not be the best value for money.

We found this book very useful during our pregnancy. The facts were given in a way that was easy to comprehend, and they came with examples and illustrations that made the content enjoyable to read. The figures and graphs were indeed very helpful, because they made it extremely clear what was happening to our our bodies.

Another point to mention is that this book is rather short, in a way that it might not be suitable for people who need a detailed and comprehensive guide on pregnancy. Contrary, do you want a non-time-consuming read which summarizes all the things you should expect before and during pregnancy? Then this book is a good option.

Overall, we think it is a good choice for anyone who is interested in reading a simple book guide to what is happening with pregnancy. It’s a well-organized and informative book that touch all the basic topics and their concepts in crystal clear manner.

Buying Guide

When it comes to choosing the best pregnancy book, there are a few key features you should consider. Here are some things to keep in mind when making your selection:


The content of the book should occupy the topmost position as the deciding factor. Search for a book that is able to give general information about pregnancy from the moment of conception until postpartum. It also needs to offer some helpful hints and ways of dealing with typical pregnancy symptoms e.g. nausea (morning sickness) and excessive lethargy. Moreover, the book will be also informative and scientifically based as well as not personal opinions and facts.

Writing Style

The book writing style is of no small significance as well. Try to find a book that is simple to read and comprehend such that it has tidy and clear phrases. It should be also interesting and engaging, like it is full with personal stories and anecdotes that help understand the involved matters.


The format of the pregnancy book can be traditional print book, e-book, or the audiobook of your choice. Decide which will be more preferable for you and it will depend on your personal taste and your lifestyle. Another example is if you have a long commute or prefer to listen to books while you are working out, audiobooks could be more suitable for you.


Lastly, see to it that you go through other people’s reviews before determining which is best for you. Research books with positive reviews from different families as well as healthcare personnel. This assists in getting a glimpse of the book as a whole so that you can determine whether it will be the right selection for your needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the top recommended books for first-time mothers?

For the first-time mothers, we propose the book of “What to Expect When You’re Expecting”, authored by Heidi Murkoff and Sharon Mazel. This book covers pregnancy in all of its aspects, from conception to childbirth, and is a ready-made resource for a lot of expecting mothers. If you need more options, you may check “The Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy” by Dr. Myra J.Wick, which gives evidence-based information about pregnancy and childbirth.

Which books should expectant fathers read to prepare for parenthood?

Prospective fathers can contain themselves up to par with books like “The Expectant Father” by Armin A. Brott and Jennifer Asch which include emotional and practical aspects of fatherhood. Another funny collection is “Dude, You’re Gonna be a Dad” by John Pfeiffer which provides the funny take on the real challenges of paternity.

What are the classic pregnancy books that have stood the test of time?

“Active Birth” by Janet Balaskas is a pregnancy book renown for its use of over three decades. This module mostly deals with natural childbirth and offers advices on how to prepare for an active birth. “Ina May’s Guide to Childbirth” by Ina May Gaskin is among those classic books that are still considered relevant even till today. The series includes stories of creative deliveries and useful tips for pregnant women.

Can you suggest some good pregnancy books for couples to read together?

“Couples’ Guide to Pregnancy and childbirth” authored by John Kennell and Phyllis Klaus is definitely a must-read for couples. It grants communication skills to couples and allows them to know how to help each other during pregnancy and childbirth, furthermore, they are taught to work as one team. The book “The Birth Partner” by Penny Simkin is also a good choice for couples. It provides practical knowledge to the partner while delivering.

Which books are recommended for enhancing baby’s intelligence before birth?

In spite of the fact that perhaps, there is no exact evidence to suggest that reading to your baby in the womb can boost their level of intelligence, a lot of parents make it a habit to read to their children before birth. Through “The Read-Aloud Handbook” Jim Trelease outlines the process of reading aloud to children no matter how young, including preborn babies. “The Baby’s Brain: Wider Than the Sky composed by Dr. Gillian Harris as well as Dr. Ronan O’Rahilly another book which describes how baby’s brain develops before he/she is born

Are there any comprehensive pregnancy guides available in PDF format?

Absolutely, you can find innumerable comprehensive pregnancy guides in PDF format. A much sought-after guide that is noted is “Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn” by Penny Simkin, Janet Whalley, and Ann Keppler. The book is in PDF format. “The Pregnancy Book” written by Dr. William Sears and Martha Sears is a comprehensive guide also available in a PDF format.

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