Top 5 Best Muscle Gain Supplements in [year]

For a lot of fitness conditioners, a main objective is to build muscles, but doing so may not be an easy venture to experience. While physical exercises and healthy diet are the basis, they can’t always be enough to see the expected changes. It is here that the using of muscle gain supplements comes in.

Muscle gain supplements intend to assist individuals in achieving a more muscular body and improve their strength and endurance. There are tons of supplements in various forms, like powders, pills, and drinks. They are packed with compounds that lead to muscle development like, creatine, amino acids, and proteins.

In this article we have tried and checked different muscle gain supplements in order to choose the best muscle gain supplements among the most effective ones on the market. Among the criteria we took into account there are things like the quality of the ingredients, efficacy and price-performance ratio. Whether you are a newbie or an experienced bodybuilder, our tips are relevant to everyone who wants to increase muscles in the body.

Top 3 Best Muscle Gain Supplements

  1. MuscleTech Platinum Creatine
  2. Dymatize Super Mass Gainer Protein Powder
  3. Jacked Factory Build-XT Daily Muscle Builder & Performance Enhancer

We know that cultivating lean muscle is a hard and time-consuming process. So here is a list of the best muscle-building dietary supplements that will ease your way to the gym. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced weight lifter, supplements such as these can supply you with the extra push necessary for having real results. Our range crosses the boundary between taste and price to meet the needs of different individuals. Let’s get started with the recommended list of the top muscle gain supplements available on the market.

1. MuscleTech Platinum Creatine

The MuscleTech Platinum Creatine product is the right option if you want to gain muscle with proven results by years of research.


  • Boosts muscle growth and endurance
  • Helps with muscle recovery
  • No fillers or added sugar, fits with a ketogenic diet


  • Unflavored taste may not be for everyone
  • Requires a loading phase for the first three days
  • May cause stomach discomfort in some individuals

We’ve used the MuscleTech Platinum Creatine and we can confirm it lived up to the expectations. Following only a couple of days after we started using the supplement, we experienced an increase of our power and endurance during the training. As well as, the supplement helped us recuperate more quickly following the tough training session.

The biggest benefit of MuscleTech Platinum Creatine is that it has no fillers or extra sugar which make it an ideal choice for anyone on a ketogenic diet. Nevertheless, the not sweet flavor will not be everyone`s cup of tea, while some people may experience their stomach upsets.

In conclusion, we give an outstanding grade to the MuscleTech Platinum Creatine for the people who want to increase their muscle mass and endurance. Make sure to observe the guidelines for the first three days of the loading phase for maximum results.

2. Dymatize Super Mass Gainer Protein Powder

If your goal is to gain muscle mass and strength using a protein powder that will make you increase in size and gain strength rapidly, then Dymatize Super Mass Gainer Protein Powder is definitely something you should consider.


  • Contains 10.7 grams of BCAAs, including 5.1g Leucine, to help activate Muscle Protein Synthesis and support muscle growth
  • Provides 1310 calories and 245g carbs per serving to help even the hardest gainers pack on mass
  • Includes 52 grams of protein per serving (a blend of fast, medium, and slow digesting proteins) for muscle support


  • The large serving size may be difficult for some people to consume
  • Some users have reported digestive issues after consuming this product
  • The taste may not be appealing to everyone

We’ve been using Dymatize Super Mass Gainer Protein Powder for a while by now, and we surely observed more size and strength in our muscle bodies. A combination of various proteins are added to provide a continuous serving of amino acids that support the growth of muscles. Moreover, the amino acid chains such as BCAAs activate Muscle Protein Synthesis.

It is important to realize that the serving size is quite large and, therefore, some people may have to adjust to the fact that they must consume that much in a single meal. Furthermore, few consumers have indicated that experiencing digestive disorders was a common feature of this product, so this may not be suitable for everyone.

Generally speaking, if you desire to have much bigger muscles and strength fast, Dymatize Elite Mass Gainer Protein Powder would be an excellent choice for you to make. Just, however, make sure that you begin with a smaller portion so you can assess yourself how your body reacts.

3. Jacked Factory Build-XT Daily Muscle Builder & Performance Enhancer

If you are on a hunt for a supplement which is a power-booster for your efforts in the gym, then Build-XT would be a great supplement. Peak02 mushroom complex and ElevATP is the duo that provides a much-needed, a boosting effect in your muscle gain routine when partnered with diligence and commitment.


  • Amplifies gym efforts
  • Enhances endurance for better workouts
  • Stimulates ATP production for improved athletic performance and lean muscle gains


  • May cause paranoia in some users
  • Not as effective as other products with elevATP
  • Some users may not notice a significant difference

For the last 3 weeks we’ve been using Build-X, and our workouts have definitely changed. We have the unshakable feeling of accomplishment, and keep encouraging each other to give our all. The adaptogenic nature of Peak02, hence, assists us in conducting longer workouts.

On the other hand, a small percentage of the users might develop paranoia due to the supplement intake. In addition, though elevATP in Build-XT is efficient, it may not be as powerful as other products with elevATP. Others may not see any significant change even after taking Build-Xt.

In general, if you are in search for a supplement to elevate your gym exercises and strengthen your endurance, Build-XT is a perfect choice. Nevertheless, be mindful of potential downsides, do not expect drastic changes within one night.

4. AdvoCare Spark Vitamin & Amino Acid Supplement

We strongly recommend this product for the persons who need energy during the workout.


  • Delivers Energy & Focus: Spark Energy supports your body as it produces and sustains its own energy.
  • 20 Vitamins, Minerals, and Nutrients: Vitamin C, vitamin E, L-carnitine, caffeine & more aid energy.
  • Nutritionally Advanced Energy: Our sugar-free energy supplements keep you focused and alert.


  • Some users may not like the taste of the mango strawberry flavor.
  • The product may not be suitable for those who are sensitive to caffeine.
  • Some users may experience jitters or a crash after consuming the supplement.

The AdvoCare Spark system satisfies our energy and focus requirements nicely while we train. The product contains vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that take part in the energy making process and it has no sugar. We recognise that the product is nutritionally powerful and assists us to keep both focused and energetic.

A con to this could be that some consumers won’t appreciate the taste of mango strawberry. Moreover, the product is not suitable for those who are not accustomed to caffeine since the drink contains a moderate amount of it. Lastly, users might suffer from jitters or even a crash after the supplement.

To sum it up, AdvoCare Spark Vitamin & Amino Acid Supplement is absolutely worth trying out if you are interested in an all-natural energy boost during your workouts. This product truly works and assists us to stay focused and productive; so, it becomes a regularly taken supplement for us.

5. MuscleTech Muscle Builder

MuscleTech Muscle Builder can be a great choice if you are searching for those muscle-gain supplements that will help you achieve strength and performance.


  • Clinically backed muscle building formula
  • Enhanced strength and performance
  • Amazing pumps


  • Product may melt/damage if exposed to heat or sunlight during delivery
  • May cause heart palpitations and sharp pains in the heart
  • Bottle size is deceptive

For the past few weeks, we have been using MuscleTech Muscle Builder and have witnessed a remarkable increment in our strength and muscle girth. The serving 400mg of Peak ATP sustain strong muscle pumps and bring real strength and muscle. We have proved as well that it is designed to be complemented with whey protein and whey protein isolate.

But as we didn’t face any negative side effects, we also discovered different reviews that mention heart palpitations and sharp chest pains. Furthermore, customer presence at the delivery points is required to keep the product from melting due to exposure to heat or to prevent damaged goods due to exposure to the sun.

Conclusively, MuscleTech Muscle Builder is a great choice for those who wish to improve their strength and performance. All you have to do is to follow your recommendations during delivery and report signs of the negative effects.

Buying Guide

When it comes to choosing the best muscle gain supplement, there are certain features that you should look for. Here are some factors that you should consider before making a purchase:


The ingredients in the supplement are the most important factor for scrutiny. Try to acquire supplements that contain excellent protein sources like whey protein, casein protein, or soy proteins. Moreover, ensure that the supplement contains necessary amino acids, which function as the building blocks of muscle tissue.

Nutritional Value

See the nutritional composition of the supplement to make sure it contains enough calories, proteins, and carbohydrates. Remember that the amount nutrient you need to consume will depend on your own body weight, fitness goals, level of activity.

Brand Reputation

Decide upon a supplement of a trustworthy brand that has already been available in the market for several years. Try to find brands that have always come up with quality supplements and has many happy clients.


The price is one of the factors to be reckoned with, but do not compromise on quality. Be on the lookout for supplements that are pocket-friendly and offer a relatively higher quality for their price.


When buying a supplement, check if it has passed the safety and efficacy examination. Choose supplements that have been certified by the third party organizations, such as NSF or Informed Choice.

Frequently Asked Questions

What supplements are recommended for optimal muscle growth?

There is a couple of supplements that has been proved to help boost muscle growth among them being creatine, beta-alanine and branched chain amino acids (BCAAs). On the other hand, it is significant to emphasize that these supplements should not be viewed as a replacement for a healthy diet and regular workout regimen.

Which protein powders are most effective for muscle gain?

Whey protein is normally thought of as the most prosperous protein powder regarding muscle gain because of its high absorbability and amino acid profile. But even other protein sources like casein, soy, and pea proteins can show equally good results.

Are there specific vitamins that aid in muscle growth and repair?

Vitamins C and D have been demonstrated to produce a positive influence on muscle growth and recovery. The vitamin C takes care of collagen formation that is important in tissue repair, especially muscle tissue while vitamin D has a role in muscle protein synthesis.

How can one simultaneously build muscle and lose fat?

In order to be able to build lean muscle and burn fat at the same time, you must do strength training exercises, cardio, while maintaining calorie deficits. Not only that, but consuming sufficient protein and water also can help with building muscles while reducing fat.

What are the best muscle-building strategies for individuals over 40?

Our bodies start building muscle less well when we grow older. To counter this, you can emphasize more on strength training and taking in sufficient protein. Besides, sleep and stress management are central factors in building muscle.

What are the top legal supplements known to enhance muscle development?

Besides creatine, beta-alanine, and BCAAs, other legal supplements which are great in building up muscles also include caffeine, nitric oxide boosters, and protein powders. On the other hand, it is critical to carry out your own research and get advice from a health professional before taking any supplements.

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